Editor in Chief’s Note

Document Type : Editor in Chief's Note


Imam Sadiq University



In the ever-evolving landscape of human thought and governance, where the ancient wisdom of faith meets the pragmatic demands of modern leadership, we are honored to present the second issue of "Religion, Management, and Governance."
As we present the second issue of RMG, we find ourselves at the confluence of profound thought and practical wisdom. The intersection of faith and governance continues to offer fertile ground for academic exploration, providing insights that resonate across disciplines and cultures. In this issue, our contributors delve into critical themes that reflect the dynamic interplay between religious principles and governance practices, illuminating pathways to ethical and effective leadership.
One of the standout contributions is "Implications of Public Policy Priorities Based on Imam Ali’s Government, according to ‘AL-Sahih Men Sira Imam Ali (a’s)’." This paper meticulously examines the governance model of Imam Ali, elucidating how his priorities can inform contemporary public policy. The exploration offers a nuanced understanding of how historical insights can shape modern governance frameworks, ensuring justice and equity.
In "Ethical Foundations: Exploring the Impact of Islamic Ethics on Auditing Quality," the author investigates the profound influence of Islamic ethical principles on the auditing profession. This study not only highlights the ethical dimensions but also emphasizes the practical implications for enhancing auditing quality, thereby fostering greater transparency and accountability in financial practices.
The ethnographic study, "Ethnography of Arbaeen March as a Model of Human Dignity," presents an immersive exploration of the Arbaeen pilgrimage. This paper underscores the pilgrimage as a living testament to human dignity, solidarity, and spiritual resilience, offering a compelling model for communal harmony and human rights.
"A Review on Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani’s Approach towards Islamic Social Sciences; Emphasizing Aspects Related to Islamic Management," provides an in-depth analysis of Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani's contributions to Islamic social sciences. The focus on Islamic management principles is particularly enlightening, offering a critical perspective on integrating religious values with managerial practices.
Finally, we present a summary of the book "Practical Steps for Implementing Islamic Decision-Making," which offers a pragmatic guide to incorporating Islamic principles into decision-making processes. This summary bridges theory and practice, providing actionable steps for leaders and managers committed to ethical governance.
The diversity and depth of these articles reflect our journal’s mission to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and advance understanding in the fields of religion, management, and governance. We are grateful to our contributors for their rigorous scholarship and to our readers for their continued engagement. As we move forward, we remain committed to exploring the rich intersections of faith and governance, promoting knowledge that is both intellectually enriching and practically relevant. We are also dedicated to maintaining a swift and educational review process. Our peer review system not only ensures the academic rigor of the articles we publish but also provides constructive feedback to authors. This commitment to educational peer review helps nurture and develop researchers in the field of humanities and Islamic studies, contributing to a vibrant scholarly community.
We invite you to delve into these pages with a reflective mind and an open heart, as we collectively seek wisdom that guides us towards a more just and ethical world.
