Editor in Chief's Note

Document Type : Editor in Chief's Note


Imam Sadiq University


 The supreme life of an academic movement is dependent on knowledge production. If this knowledge can present new, innovative, and practical knowledge, it will be welcomed. However, if the previous knowledge is just repeated, its scientific framework is debated, or it is merely considered as theoretical, it will be less welcomed by the elite. Based on this premise, knowledge production will help the growth of science and will lead to fruit in human life as well that will be of great value and significance.
 “Religion, Management, & Governance” journal aims to provide a space for discourse in the field of religion and management studies and also aims to open a horizon by providing practical articles, expert discussions, notes, criticisms, and information on new topics in this field of knowledge for a dialogue at the international level between thinkers and experts so that it contributes in the field of international scientific interactions in the near future through making the required foundation and wise expansion of debate among individuals.